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Results for "keyword: "strangers""
Memorial Day for Sacco and Vanzetti (PDP) Reflections on a controversial case that signaled America's growing gap between the privileged and the powerless.
Shifting the Focus from Self to Other A meditation on the paradoxical truth of happiness.
Be Willing to Connect A prompt to break out of our shells and share one another's experience.
Finger Prayers Linda Witte Henke's devotional practice using one's fingers.
Pretend You've Just Met Seeing someone you know with playful eyes.
Cyberspace and Compassion A meditation and reflection on St. Francis' response to the world of cyber reality.
The Giveaway The basic instruction manual for all compassion do-it-yourselfers, aspiring bodhisattvas, and saints manqué.
Ways to Face When Praying Bodily position at prayer has a powerful influence upon us.
Think of Your Heart as a Sunflower A practice to spread divine light to all.
I Pray For A More Loving Human Family The Dalai Lama's prayer for a more loving human family.